Saturday, June 8, 2013

Some Shenanigans ??

Yes it has been a little bit, sometimes when you have many, many posts to catch up on you just don't do any of them.  The sun has come out again - what became Tropical Storm Andrea finally left the area after 5 days of unfriendly weather.  We did our best - got out when we could and came up with ways to burn off energy during the 20 or 30 minute time limits we were given.

shenanigans at the beach, shenanigans at the pool
visits from Iggy who loves to eat the flowers off of the bush by the patio
playing with the camera in the different light
stunning clouds to watch
a king on his throne (comfy in bed with a movie)

there has been work on the renovation that is going excellent and several trips to the "city" (one on deeply flooded roads) for supplies and pickings of tile, sinks, faucets, fabric, drawer pulls and all the necessities - the boys have been great little helpers to grammy

we have settled back into this simple life quiet well - it seems as though living in the tropics suites us very well


  1. I must say I completely understand and concur. This warm desert life we are living is not far off with our backyard swimming oasis. I haven't seen Ezra smile so much since our return to daily warm weather and water. I noticed your boys' similar looks of contentment here too!

    1. That is wonderful that your family is full of smiles and happiness. I was amazed at how quickly we settled back into the climate - just what we needed.
      Chey xo

  2. In all of the craziness of the past week Chey, I have completely neglected to leave you notes over here.

    First, let me say thank you. Thank you for all your kind words and support and caring thoughts. Truly, seeing your comments after the atrocities on Friday was one of the most comforting things I have read. It meant so much to me to see your name there. I didn't even necessarily need to read your thoughts, but just knowing, knowing that you understood, as a mother, made all the difference to me. so thank you, thank you for being there.

    Also, you never cease to amaze me with your photography! these captures are all beautiful and you can really feel the JOY! that is humming in your boys' souls and hearts as they regale in the warm weather, pool, beaches. hoping you are having a lovely time down there. xxoo

    1. OH, Rebecca, anything I can do to relieve the pain of seeing and experiencing the wrongs in the world or least send comfort and love. You are a strong wonderful mother raising beautiful, perfect boys.

      It warms my heart when I see a comment from you - your compliments on my photos means a lot to me!!!!

      Thank you again
      Chey XO
