Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cozy Fall

As fall is settling in the boys and I have been keeping busy (while Mike is gone all day at the hospital).  Bored with our usual meals I tried out a few new recipes and some traditional ones.  The boys worked on their writing project - sending post cards home.  We also completed a small fall decorating project to welcome the season.

chocolate chip cookies of course

perfect after a rainy wet rugby practice

veggie tortellini soup

we also made banana bread, beef stew, and a baked veggie pasta primavera.  fall weather definitely brings out the cooking

letters home

muddy rugby boots - these have become a regular sight 2x a week

a bit of fall

we are soaking up fall as we missed it twice while living on the island


  1. Veggie tortellini soup - blimey - that sounds really delicious.....I love your Autumn garland by the way - I wonder if I can persuade the girls to create something as lovely.

    Nina x

    1. Thank you Nina - I am sure they can create something beautiful. In case you get a hankering to make it, here is the recipe for the soup -
      Chey x

  2. mmm, yum! glad you're enjoying the season! it's looking like rain here today and i couldn't feel more snuggly. i think chocolate chip cookies will have to go in the oven too! lots of stews and baking going on here too.

    1. We made caramel apples the other day and it reminded me of a chat we had on the island about making our own caramel apples since we could not find any. I will email you the recipe!!!!! Enjoy the snuggly weather. Chey xo
