Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Taste of Zermatt

Just a few tidbits from the first day or so.

chapel and cemetery for those who perished on the mountain

ceiling of the catholic church

church window with the view of the Matterhorn

one of many beautifully decorated windows


the village at night from our chalet

snow removal Zermatt style

such a majestic sight

there will be many of these shots

homes built with beautiful craftsmanship

preferred mode of transportation

Upon arrival the boys grabbed sleds and snow clothes and frolicked in the snow.  They really have missed it the last few years.


  1. I love that first pictures - so romantic and 'oh' those mountains!

    Have a fabulous weekend and maybe your boys will get out in the snow this weekend.

    take care,

    Nina x

  2. what a treat to come here and find your posts! i've been so busy and off the computer lately - sorry i've been absent here in your online space. i love seeing your pictures! the boys and eliaa have all grown so much. eliaa looks like daddy. the matterhorn is awesome. my family took us to the matterhorn, zermatt and st. moritz for my 10th birthday. i remember it very well. your boys will never forget. and i would assume like me, they'll always long to go back one day.

  3. wow wow wow!! what a wonderful place you are in and such great pictures!!! And yay for snow!!
    have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. How long did you spend in Switzerland? Is this multiple trips, or are you sharing the pics in multiple posts?

    1. Sorry to confuse you Casey. I had to get through all my photos eventually as I know once I return home it will never happen. Our Switzerland trip was one trip that was about 1 week. I spread the photos out through different posts - otherwise it might be a little overwhelming. You will be happy to know that I will be working on Morocco next.
